Snow White & the Huntsman by Lily Blake

Snow White & the Huntsman by Lily Blake

Author:Lily Blake [UNIVERSAL]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9780316213257
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Published: 2012-04-17T00:00:00+00:00

Eric walked to the edge of the woods, where the thick trees dropped down a steep incline. He signaled for Snow White to follow. Then he shifted both axes to one hip and sat on the other, sliding down the muddy hill. He stumbled to the bottom, the pain shooting through his side. Now that the grog was gone, his wound hurt more than it had before. Every turn and twist felt like another sword ripping through his flesh.

The fog was thinning out. He could barely decipher the structure a hundred feet off, just beyond a pile of large rocks. He moved toward it, climbing onto a boulder to get a better view. A stream snaked its way through the woods. A stone bridge connected both shores. There, beyond it, the Dark Forest finally ended. There were miles of open fields in every direction. “It can’t be this easy,” he muttered to himself.

He heard Snow White’s footsteps approaching behind him. “This is the end of the Dark Forest?” she asked.

Eric turned back to the woods. The massive trees towered above them. “Apparently,” he said, glancing at the bridge. This was the right way—he knew it was. He’d tracked the deer to this very spot. But now that they’d arrived, seeing the end of the forest less than a hundred feet away, it was hard to believe they’d made it. It was all over. They’d reached the other side. He looked at Snow White, his face breaking into a grin.

She started past him toward the bridge. She was practically running. “How far to the duke’s castle?” she called over her shoulder, her voice light.

Eric ran after her. He combed his hair with his fingers, enjoying the sun on his skin. The Dark Forest was so dense, he hadn’t felt it in a while. “Can’t be more than five miles straightaway,” he said, gesturing to the flock of birds circling on the horizon.

She looked at him and smiled. The late afternoon light streamed through the trees and cast a pink glow on her face. He knew she was beautiful—it was apparent the first time he saw her. But when he looked at her now, he realized she was oblivious to that fact. Though he’d never admit it, in some small way, it made her even more alluring. When she smoothed out the tangles in her hair or narrowed her dark eyes at him, looking as though he were the most dreadful human being alive, there was no playfulness in it. It wasn’t some cheap, tavern-girl act.

He rested his hand on his bottom rib, thankful the worst of the journey was over. If he could get her to the village a few miles in, they’d rest there. He’d deliver her to safety—that was enough. He couldn’t stick to their agreement. Carmathan was out of the question. In the worst of times, he’d stolen the duke’s supplies and traded his men to the Queen’s soldiers. It was too shameful to speak of out loud, but it was in the days when a drink mattered more than anything else.


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